Adolescent & Child Workshops
Our adolescents and children have been carrying a lot. Give them the space they need to process their emotions and learn strategies for expressing and coping with their thoughts and feelings in a healthy way. Workshops are all in person on Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 AM.

A workshop for young men ages 9-14 to develop skills associated with being a gentleman. This program will integrate social skills, emotional regulation and mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and cater to specific needs of the participants. The ultimate marks of a gentleman are to have positive self-esteem and intentional life habits. Through this workshop, young men will be empowered with the basics to better form personal identities of who each is as they continue to mature into gentle men.
Ages 9 - 14
Saturday, April 23 9:30-11:30 AM
(includes materials)

No one has been hit harder than grades 6-8 in the wake of the covid cultural transitions, while in the most critical period of developing personal identity and navigating developmental transitions. This workshop will support young ladies with strategies and tools for facing concerns with solutions, bringing emotions into balance, managing communications with peers and parents, and identifying positive habits and hobbies to promote a strong sense of self and hope.
Grades 6 - 8
Saturday, April 30 9:30-11:30 AM
(includes materials)

A workshop for girls age 9-12 to explore mindfulness practices, emotional management, and more anti-stress strategies to form a solid foundation for positive self-esteem and joy-filled life habits. This session intends to empower the participants by targeting topics specific to their developmental and societal needs in order to establish sustainable positive living.